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Tomorrow (Thursday, 4/21) I'm getting a damn wisdom tooth removed. Not looking forward to it, at all. As a matter of fact, I'm scared I'm going to die... not really. The problem is, I've rescheduled this appointment about three times. I've got a damn heart condition called mitral valve prolapse, which ultimately causes problems with my blood pumping through my heart. So, in order to keep me alive, I have to take 2,000 mg of Amoxicillian an hour before my operation. Sound fun?

Every time I've gone, there has been some problem with my dosage, doctor's orders... something. Maybe third time's a charm? Next, let's hope I wake up.

Nah! I'm not that concerned about it. I'm comfortable with my dentist. I truly feel he's taken care of me since he's made sure the conditions were right. I don't mind a slight inconvenience in order to get the proper outcome.


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