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Rebecca's Crazy...

My wife truly needs therapy.

I say that with love.

She's scared of germs, and she finds them everywhere. Me, on the other hand, will eat off a table in a restaurant.

On our honeymoon in Mexico, she'd leave every bathroom with the most uncomfortable look on her face. Granted, their standards aren't the same as ours, but I thought she would no longer be surprised on our fifth day.

On our last full day, we stopped by a Mazatlan Dairy Queen and the ladies bathroom was broken, meaning she would have to use the men's. I watched her walk in, then heard the paper towel dispenser in use, as she need something to close the door because she refused to touch the door knob.

For some reason, she is no longer comfortable touching food. At first, I thought it was a way to get out of cooking, but as time has passed, she refuses to eat food unless it's wrapped in a napkin, packaging, or she has a fork.

Well, I married her! But at least I can still drop a french fry on the table and not let it ruin my appetite. Then again, I have the belly; maybe she has the right idea to have a smokin' body like that.

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Dude, you should have asked. There's a book about zany Johns women as soon as I get around to finishing the one Frank started.

Congrats to U2.

I would like to see this book.

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