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Proper Manners...

Have you ever worked in a restaurant? Waited tables? Bartended? If so, believe me, you'll be able to relate to many things I say on this page from time to time. This is the first of what I believe will be many rants about how I believe people should act in a restaurant... or at least where I work.

If you know me, then you know the name of my restaurant. Well, not really my restaurant, but for the sake of our blog discussions, in order to keep it simple, we'll all just have to understand that when I say 'my' restaurant, I simply mean my place of employment. Anyway... point being, if you don't know me, then the name of my restaurant is not important. So, for the sake of privacy, we'll keep that 'off the books.'

Tonight, an elderly couple came in a bit before 7:30. They promply ordered their dinner, and made a point to tell me they were in a hurry, but included no specifics or further details. Keep in mind, it's 7:30!! The middle of our dinner rush. Their order was promptly placed and turned in. I asked the cooks & managers to please help me comply. Now for those of you who aren't familiar with the restaurant industry, once a dinner order is turned in, it is out of the hands of the servers. We no longer have ANY control over the timing of the food.

7:42, I drop off their dinner. At this time, the couple once again lets me know they are in a hurry, and they'd like to pay for their check. This is not an uncommon scenario; people often pay their bills before they've finished their meal. But, they didn't ask for boxes to carry home their dinner. While all of this is going on, I was sat with a 6-top (table of 6) and a 3-top (and for the slow learners, table of 3). So I'm trying to greet 9 people, while the elderly couple is trying to flag me down at 7:49! Now they need boxes, and it's this time when they inform me they have to meet someone at their house at 8:00 IN VIDOR!! From my restaurant, that's a 12-15 minute ride, depending on traffic, and that's just to the town exit! It's even longer if they're slithering into the dirty slums of the white trash capital of all the racist bigots from Texas. They want to get pissed off about it, and it's my fault? Kiss my ass!

They left at 7:51. I have a feeling they were late.

Point being... if you're going to dinner at a restaurant, don't expect to be in and out! At least, not in 20 minutes at a sit-down restaurant, during they busy time of night!

What about the tip, you ask? (I know you're wondering.) $5 on $32. Fucking Casa Ole tip. No queso in my house, bitches!

Casa Ole is a Mexican restaurant franchise (I call them Mexican inspired, cause the food sure as hell ain't Mexican) with cheap food, shitty service, and terrible tippers. It's truly fast food, without the drive through. I tell you what, though, I love the place. Still haven't been able to figure out why.

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