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Should We Laugh At This? I Sure As Hell Did...

Have you seen this video?

If you haven't, you'll laugh your ass off. Watch it, then continue reading. I try to offer something for you to chew on.

Will Ferrell vs. Pearl the Landlord

It's very funny, no question about it; and if you've watched news stations like Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, you've seen anchors and talk-show hosts critique it from every angle.

I offer you this: if it were a black baby, with a black man standing at the door, would we feel the same way?

Adam McKay -- the director of the video, friend of Will Ferrell's, and father of Pearl -- teaches his daughter to say things many people find inappropriate for a child. Again, I ask if the child were black and Will Farrell's character was portrayed by Charlie Murphy or Ludacris, would we think it was crossing the line?

I suppose I could make an argument either way.

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