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It Wasn't That Bad...

I finally watched the ending to the Sopranos last night, and it was more of an ending than I expected.

Trying to dodge discussion of the series finale was as difficult as watching Rosie O'Donnell eat. We kept the television and radio off, with the chance someone would give it away.

I knew people weren't happy with the ending, and luckily that's all I knew.

What's the big deal? They killed Phil Leotardo. Wasn't he the problem? Sounds like they concluded the story to me.

So Sylvio Dante's situation wasn't resolved and Dr. Melfi didn't appear in the final episode after cutting Tony off. Maybe we'll get a few answers if they decide to make a movie.

Maybe that's why David Chase decided to kill off a majority of the cast -- less expense for a theatrical release?

Probably not.

It would have been nice to see Janice whacked, though, and I miss Junior's humor. Seeing him rot away in a mental institution was disheartening.

So what's next? Should we expect a flick in which Tony is indicted? Did Agent Harris give away Phil's position as part of a federal investigation?

And who was the female agent in his hotel room?

Still, lots of questions, but questions I can live with.

Until next time.


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