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Knock-Knock-Knockin' On Hammer's Door...

Barry Bonds hit career home run number 754 on Friday, bringing him one long-ball shy of tying Hammerin' Hank Aaron. Rick Vanden Hurk became the 444th pitcher to give up a home run to Bonds, and was the first Dutch pitcher that the slugger has taken deep.

Personally, I'm surprised it came so quickly, but still expect the next two hits into the bleachers to take some time. Originally, I believed that teams would pitch around Barry for two reasons: there isn't a legitimate threat hitting behind him, and no pitcher wants to make the history books. I stand by those beliefs.

The Giants play two more games at home against the Marlins before heading on the road to face the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres. To add a little spice to the chase, it'd be nice to see Bonds tie Aaron at Dodger Stadium in front of 56,000 raging fans, then break the record at home against the Washington Nationals.

I can't envison a situation in which Bonds is allowed to break the record on the road, but with the surrounding controversy, some might call it a convenient justice.

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