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Country At It's Best...

It's no secret that Kevin Fowler is one of my favorite country musicians, so it should come as no surprise that I absolutely love his new album Bring It On. The energy he brings to the music is what's missing in the industry today.

Country legend George Jones joins the fun in "Me And The Boys," which is your typical drinking song, with Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, and Johnny Walker as the "boys" with whom he enjoys the company of, from the title.

"Best Mistake I've Ever Made" is a good song that captures the emotion we encounter in life, including the uncertainty of raising a child. While I enjoy this song, it isn't as good as his previous ballads like "A Matter Of When," or "Hard Man To Love."

His current single, titled "Long Line Of Losers" describes the a lineage in which the singer tries to be better than his destiny, but knows that ultimately his outcome is predetermined. This is probably the best track from the recording.

Another of my favorites from the album is "Cheaper to Keep Her," in which he describes why divorce isn't worth the trouble. It's fun, a bit inappropriate, and fantastic! I can only imagine how he performs the song on stage, and believe it's probably even better live!

Kevin Fowler's great, and was consistently one of the best live show's we'd see in Texas. Bring It On would only add to the repetoire of another fantastic performance.

This is one of my bigger regrets living in Denver: aside from not being able to see my family, we also can't see great live music like that included on this album.

Buy it. If you like country music -- the real country, not this crap on the radio -- then you're in for another great recording by one of Texas' best.

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