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Hockey's Back...

Today was the Colorado Avalanche's annual Burgundy & White game played at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.

A few of us were given the opportunity to work the event and provide information for our season ticket packages. We were asked by Game Operations if we'd be willing to help toss t-shirts between periods, and we gladly accepted.

I don't understand what people's obsession is with getting free t-shirts at a sporting event, but I learned a different perspective when it's me tossing them.

First of all, it's everyone's birthday. Second, you seem to notice all the kids in the crowd.

I felt bad for telling the younger fans 'no,' but there weren't enough to go around. I did, however, have the opportunity to pass one to a little girl who was unnecessarily sweet. When no one was watching, I passed her a shirt, to which she immediately lit up with delight.

I wish I would have seen her face when she noticed there were two tickets wrapped in the shirt for the fifth row (near the glass) to an Avalanche preseason game.

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