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My New Favorite...

I'm learning that, while I don't watch a lot of television, the little I do watch is addicting.

First, it was Law & Order, then the Sopranos. Recently, my wife and I have found our latest fix: Entourage.

We borrowed the seasons from a friend who said we're crazy for not watching it, and he's right. Luckily, they're only 24 minute episodes, because we spend hours watching.

It has a great story, and a fantastic cast. The four guys work so well together, while Jeremy Piven's character, Artie Gould, has the wit and acumen that I wish I had.

Do yourself a favor -- get HBO, borrow them from a friend, or download them illegally, but watch it.

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Tell your little sister-in-law where to download this show. Remember I STILL don't have cable up here. Finally got internet though. Thanks.

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