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I Just Don't Get It...

Full disclosure: I have each and every Cross Canadian Ragweed album on my iPod, seen them live once, but I've yet to understand the hype.

While they have great songs, including "Sick And Tired," "Fightin' For," and "Alabama," I've found their bad music to be just terrible.

When Cody Canada writes, he's Adam Dunn: you can expect either a home run, walk, or a strike out. Unfortunately, I think their latest album, Mission California, is a base on balls -- not bad, but absolutely nothing special.

After finishing the album, a couple items stood out. First of all, it sounds great. It's probably the best produced album in their library. Second, "Lawrence," "Soul Agent," and "Cry Lonely" (which is a cover) are the best new tracks. "Jenny" is a great song from 2002's Carney album, but an updated recording is a welcome addition to a great song.

The album isn't great, but it's decent. If you can find someone with a recording, have them burn you a copy -- don't spend your money unless your a a die-hard fan.

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