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Reawakening Catholicism...

I am not Catholic. I do not pretend to be Catholic. But since Rebecca and I have been together, the only church I have attended has been Catholic. I enjoy mass. It's comforting, soothing, and it's inclusive. Other churches I've been to in the past try to make you feel included by telling you if you're not, then you're wrong. That, I don't enjoy. That, is exclusive.

Since the Catholic priest scandals, the only news I hear from the Catholic church is negative. A shortage of priests, arrests, and allegations all seem to hover over the church like rain over Charlie Brown's head. Then, to make matters worse, the leader of the only church created by Jesus, himself, dies. Now what?

From a Christian standpoint, this is what I saw this past week.

I saw a College of Cardinals come together strictly for the betterment of the faith. Days of a selection process to elect a new Pope, and not a single leak to the media. 130+ Cardinals, and nothing as much as a whisper to a reporter. If 4 men in New York know something, 30 minutes later, it's in the New York Post. This tells me the vow means something.

Now don't be cynical. I know what's happened in the past with the outcry of pedophilia and abuse, but to place the blame on all priests, including bishops and cardinals, would be irresponsible. The vow means something, and when selecting the leader of the Catholic faith, especially when you're acting out God's will, it means even more.

One thing we, as citizens of the United States do not appreciate, is ritual. The Catholic church is engulfed in it, and I, for one, admire it. It says something about a group of people. It says 'we appreciate what we have, and we appreciate where we've been.' Everything from the death of John Paul II, to the vows, the selection process, the smoke, and finally the presentation of Pope Benedict XVI. It's beautiful. As a nation, we only find ritual in few places, and it never gets the respect it deserves.

As I've said before, I am not Catholic. But after watching all the pomp and circumstance the last couple weeks, it's made my interest in the Catholic church more appealing. It takes something away from the recent problems, and allows new doors to be opened to bring in new life. If I've ever considered becoming Catholic before, never have I seriously considered it as much as I do now. Watching those men and women at Vatican City act like spectators at a sporting event makes me realize how much we're missing in America. Faith is what matters. Faith is where our future lies. Maybe our country is more advanced than some in Europe and others across the globe, but we can learn a thing or two from third world countries, or even those we call our allies... and maybe even our enemies. That is a deep rooted faith in God. Misguided or not, they truly believe God will care for them.

Habemus Papem! Yes indeed, We Have A Pope! May God bless him as they walk together for the future of Catholicism and Christianity alike. This begins a new era in the church. Let's close the door on the mistakes of the past and move on to more important matters. This is a chance for everyone of faith to do something special. Take advantage of it. That's what it's there for.

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