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And They Begin Again...

Ah, another semester of classes.  Here we go again. 

And by again, I mean I'm sitting in my e-Marketing class, listening to my middle eastern friend attemp to teach me business in his broken English.  My attention is floating.

Does anyone else feel like they're never going to graduate?  I've been in school a long time, and finally feel like I'm getting closer to accomplishing something. 

If I stick to my track, I'll be able to graduate in December -- that's less than a year away.  There's no better feeling than seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

Don't make the mistakes I did (notice mistakes was plural).  If I could do it all over again, I'd make a plan, stick to it, and take summer classes and mini sessions.  Mini's are the greatest invention in college.  Think about it: nine days of classes and 'poof', you're done!  An easy three hours!

Some random thoughts:

Rebecca and I went to the new dining hall yesterday for lunch.  I have to say, Lamar made a slam dunk on that bad boy!  It's new, spacious, and state-of-the-art.  Also, it's cheap!  It was under $10 for the two of us to have lunch, and it was all we could eat!  Pizza, burgers, Asian (I believe Chinese), desserts, breakfast, and more!  I'm thoroughly impressed!

Do students that drag suitcases around bother anyone else?  For some damn reason, it pisses me off!  Not really in a mad way, it just seems lazy.  It's always the older fat women.  Apparently, they realize they're fat and lazy, and have given up on doing anything about it.

After another couple of weeks, parking will get back to normal.  It's always packed to start the semester, but as soon as kids start ditching class, it'll lighten up.

Speaking of parking, my bike easily fits around the barricades that block restricted parking lots, and since Lamar doesn't require parking tags for motorcycles, I'll be parking in the faculty parking lot, ten feet from the Business building, all semester.  Jealous?

So good luck to everyone!  If you're going to play hard, you gotta work hard!  I'm so close to graduating, and excited as hell about it, so I won't be going out as much, but I've got other priorities.


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