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Bartending has its advantages.  Good people, great atmosphere, and certainly good money.  It's afforded me many riches that I'm blessed to say I've worked hard for.

Something I enjoy about it the most, is the ability to observe how people interact with one another. 

Call me a nerd... fine.  I don't care.    I enjoy it.  The psychology of it amuses me.

I asked Lauren -- my fellow bartender -- the other night why men and women drink differently.  Follow me:

A group of women will drink at the same pace.  It doesn't matter if it's a combination of wine, Grey Goose & cranberry, or Margarita's, the women all drink at about the same speed.  When one wants another drink, they're all finished, and we complete the round.

Men, on the other hand, tend to catch up.  Two men, each with a beer, will drink at their own pace, but as soon as one is finished and orders another, his buddy immediately asked for another as well, as he chugs the rest of his brew.

The only conclusion I can muster is that women don't want to be perceived more negatively than the women they're with.  It always seems like a challenge to get women to order another Cosmopolitan, simply because she doesn't want to drink more than her friends. 

Men can't seem to stop.  It almost appears as the opposite is true.  They want to drink more than the guys they're with, because they've got something to prove.

Why must life be complicated?  Should we really let the person we're with dictate the choices we make on something as simple as rather or not to have another drink?

Decisions, decisions. 

Too much brain work.  I need a beer.

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