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The Other Side...

I saw it for the first time today... from the other side -- twice.

Surfing the net can get repetitive, and often monotonous, so in order to keep the same pages I view day in and day out fresh, I like forums. 

Surely you've come across a forum on the web?  It's a place where people can post information about a topic -- rather it be a question, comment, or story -- and people leave their comments.  What I love about them, are the ideas expressed, other points of view, and even the stupid assholes that try to ruin it for everyone.

They've all got 'em: that one guy who sits at his computer and berates others for their view, and never respects other people's opinions.

For example, through the Houston Astros website, there is a Cubs fan who comments on everyone's messages, leaving immature little tirades, hoping to provoke someone into an argument.  He's usually successful.

Today, I saw him first hand.

I had some time to kill at school, so I stopped by the computer lab to get some homework done, and next to me sat this overweight, poorly dressed hunk of input, clamming away at the keyboard.  I noticed he was reading a forum website, which apparently was local to Beaumont. 

I couldn't help but read a bit of it, and the topic was managers dating employees.  Not paying a lot of attention, I noticed a couple minutes later that he was typing rather quickly, and seemed to be going on and on.  As I looked over, I saw he was ranting.

"The managers suck anyway and should be fired for their performance, cause none of 'em knew what they were talking about or how to fix a problem, and dating employees was the least of their worries."

Blah blah blah. 

It  continued.

And continued.

And continued.

No viable solution to offer, to specifics to mention.  He simply went on and on about how the managers didn't know how to do their job, and should be fired.  There wasn't a care in the world about another point of view. 

For all of you forum guests that are just like that guy, I now know what you look like. 

It wasn't pretty.

Then comes along, the second part to my day. 

This one was my fault.  I was the dumb-ass. 

I was stopping by OfficeMax (located next to Circuit City) before heading to work today, and came to pass Academy.  My blinker was on, and I prepared to make a right turn into the parking lot.  I noticed, though, that the driveway I was pulling into wasn't the right one.  It'd get me to where I needed to be, but I don't like driving across shopping center parking lots. 

So a girl exiting the driveway in an older model Grand Am sees my blinker and starts to pull in front of me, when at the last second I make the decision to pass up this driveway, and head to the next one. 

Fortunately, I responded quickly and decided to pull in anyway, but it was late enough to keep her from pulling out, and go on to verbaly berate me through her window, while on her cell phone!

It was my fault.  Completely my fault, but as she yelled at me inaudibly, I couldn't help but realize that if I was in her position, I'd be yelling at me, too.  This made me laugh.

As I was turning into the parking lot, I made eye contact and stared at her through the entire turn... and laughed the whole time.

You have to see the humor in it.  Maybe next time I won't be so rough on the driver who does the same thing. 

But then again, I made a mistake.  Everyone else is simply dumber than me, right?

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