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Female Understanding...

Ah, so the saga continues.

Once again, women have made me shake my head in amazement.  Here comes another bartending story.

So tonight, about ten women come in to celebrate a friends birthday and they decide to sit at the bar.  For the most part, about four or five of them are regulars, two in particular I wish weren't.

One of the bartenders I was working with took care of them most of the night, since they were in the area he works, and had them divided into two seperate tickets, as were the orders from one of the ladies.  After three hours, it was time for that fellow bartender to head home.  After another hour, they were ready for their checks. 

As I handed them their tickets, they wanted them separated (of coarse).  Fine, but the problem is, I didn't give them a single drink, their bill was almost $300, there were LOTS of different drinks, and they weren't sober enough to tell me who had what. 

So, to solve the problem, one overachieving woman decided she'd split the tab up herself, and would tell me exactly how much to put on each credit card.  15 minutes later, that's exactly what she did.  Pen and paper in hand, she divided the tickets up herself, perfectly.

This little incident went on to prove my point of how petty women are.  These women weren't secretarys making $22K a year, and their husbands provide them a very nice lifestyle, at least that's my feeling of it by their diamond earings and the cars they drive.  I've even been to two of the ladies houses.  They aren't shopping at Dollar General.

If one of them wanted a new pair of $120 shoes, she'd have them, but god forbid she by another woman a drink!

Often times, men argue over who's going to pay, and they fight over who gave me the credit card first.  Women get irritated if they think they're being charged too much for a glass of wine.

It's nice to be a man.  It's much simpler. 


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