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Spreading Holiday Cheer...

Merry Christmas.

Happy Hannukah.

Happy Winter Solstice.

Happy Kwanzaa.

Forget it.  How about, simply, Happy Holidays! 

Anyone offended?

It's 12:34 AM on December 25th.  The day we celebrate the birth of our Lord is a half-an-hour old.  

I celebrate Christmas.  If you don't, fine.  If you follow politics, or hell, current events, you know that there seems to be some discussion as to whether or not "Merry Christmas" is appropriate.  "Happy Holidays" seems to be filing in, simply to offend fewer people.

I don't give a damn either way.  I control how I feel or what I celebrate.  No one else.

On this day, I think about my blessings, and I've got plenty to feel blessed about, including a wonderful family environment, great friends, a women whom I love uncondtionally, a job that takes care of me, and an attitude I feel proud of.

Do we commercialize Christmas?  Maybe.  I don't think it's entirely intentional because it seems to be a natural evolutionary process, but personally, I haven't lost sight of what we're celebrating. 

Rather you believe in something that makes these holidays special, such as the birth of Jesus or the Festival of Lights, take this time to appreciate the world.  Never forget that no matter how bad you think things are, they could always be worse. 

If you're in a relationship, take the time to remember what it was that made you fall in love.  Once you've figured it out, tell them what it was.

Thank your parents for being there for you when you've needed them the most.

If you're a spiritual person, thank your God for all the things he's brought into your life.  Thank him for the people he's surrounded you with, the knowledge you've been given, and ask him for more positive influences.

Use this time to try to make a difference in the world.  Rather it be for one person, or an entire population, do what you can to change something for the better.

I love this time of year because it's a time of personal reflection for me.  I've got so many reasons to be a thankful, unfortunatley, I don't always appreciate them.  Christmas seems to bring things back into perspective.  We need that from time to time.

Have a Merry Christmas, y'all, or whatever holiday you celebrate.  I wish you all the best, and hope you find the time to enjoy life during this time of year, forgetting about all your troubles long enough to appreciate what we've been given.

I'll say a prayer tonight.  You'll be included.


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