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Bold Moves -- Hopefully...

Let's talk business for a bit.

If you read current events, or the business section of any newspaper, you're aware that American automakers are having a difficult time, and for many reasons. Lack of innovative design (or at least a design that appeals to the market), a negative reputation, competition from foreign markets, and bad financial decisions are haunting Ford, GM, and to some degree Daimler-Chrystler.

You may have seen Ford's new marketing ploy, with emphasis on Bold Moves. Many of the spots have Bill Ford discussing the status of the company, while focusing attention to the future.

On a new site Bold Moves, you can find a documentary that takes you into the Ford corporate office and shows a glimps of their corporate strategy. They're posting each episode on the internet for the public to monitor. Take a look at the video below.

Ford Bold Moves Documentary

It's interesting to see inside a company like Ford to get a glimps of how the corporation works. It's also resassuring to see adults in relevent positions, such as developers, admitting to childish arguments and immature habits.

While working in groups for class, we have the tendency to push our visions down the throat of our partners, and from time to time, it becomes ridiculous. Luckily, we learn to grow and get past these actions. Thankfully, we're not alone.

A man in the documetary (who appears to be a reporter), says Ford "doesn't have a marketing problem, it has a product problem." Without getting into the Ford vs. Chevy discussion our deep-southern instincts feel the need to broach, the man is absolutely correct. The core changes foreign automakers like Nissan and Mazda (which happends to be a division of Ford) have made, coupled with rising gas prices, force many consumers to seek alternative means of transportation, having left Ford and GM with a serious need to be innovative.

While both of them have marketed themselves to the max and offered incentives too good to be true, the end-user is still not biting.

Congratulations to Ford for being "so bold" as to notice the changing market and attempt to maintain and grow their position. To allow the public to follow their moves brings even more respect to a company that has pioneered an industry for decades.

I was, however, taken aback by the comment to end the video. The man says, "The American people love the truth, and they love an underdog... that's us."

I certainly do not see Ford as an underdog, but then again, they are the number two U.S. automaker.

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