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Deep In The Heart Of The Race...

Kinky Friedman continues to remind people every day that he's not a politician -- and because of that, he's gaining my support more and more every day. Too bad he's losing everyone else's.

According to a poll by the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, Kinky is trailing Governor Perry 41% to 13%. Fellow Independent Carole Keeton Strayhorn sits a bit better with 14%, while Democrat Chris Bell matches Friedman's unimpressive 13%.

Keep in mind the source of the poll, though. I doubt very many attorneys are interested in Kinky's "good ol' boy" politics.

While speaking in Houston, Kinky explained his 'Keep It Simple, Stupid Politician' campaign by saying he wants to deploy 10,000 guardsman to the border to protect from illegal immigrants. If you've ever been to Houston, you'd understand why that wouldn't go over very well.

"Keep It Simple, Stupid Politician" -- is there a better name?

And to top it off, he went on to discuss Hurricane Katrina evacuees still living in Texas' largest city: "The musicians and artists have mostly moved back to New Orleans now." Then continuing, he said, "The crackheads and the thugs have decided to stay here. They want to stay here. I think they got their hustle on, and we need to get ours."

Crackheads and thugs? He almost has my vote.

Why would a person like this get my vote, you ask? Because he's not a politician. The only time our government is going to go through real change, is to put someone in office who isn't worried about re-election. Since Kinky believes in a one-term limit, he's said that if he wins, he won't run again. At that point, there's no fear of voter backlash.

But if he keeps making comments like that, he's going to lose the 'dishwasher' and 'lawn service' vote. Since the crackheads from New Orleans aren't registered to vote in Texas (and likely, not Louisiana either), I wouldn't worry too much about pissing off folks from The Big Easy.

Regarding the cracheads, Kinky went on to say "I have empathy for these people. I know how they think." Being a former crack addict himself, you might think Kinky'd be a bit more sympathetic, but I guess that wouldn't be his style.

"At least I never killed anybody. I mean, even (U.S. Senator) Ted Kennedy can't say that," Friedman said.

Wow. This guy definitely knows how to piss people off. If he was talking about someone other than Ted Kennedy, I might be upset.

If you don't know the incident Friedman's speaking of, then Google the name 'Mary Jo Kopechne'.

Chris Bell went on to criticize Kinky's comments, which lead to him being asked of his drug use. Apparently he's tried pot "maybe four times." Maybe? When you smoke pot 'maybe' four times, shouldn't it be 'about' four times? Quit being scared to tell the truth, Mr. Bell!

Maybe? SHEESH!! Most people know the difference between someone who's smoked pot 'maybe' four times and a crackhead from New Orleans. Just ask Kinky!

But I digress.

Again, Kinky's turning heads. He may not be gaining the support he's looking for, but hopefully he's making people rethink the type of leader they want in office. 'Maybe' he's paving the way for someone else to run in 2010.

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