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Goodbye To The Marlboro Man...

So the City of Beaumont has passed a ban that will prohibit smiking in enclosed public places. Basically, starting August 1, bars, restaurants and clubs can kiss their ashtrays goodbye.

Lots of people are upset, and their seems to be some sort of appeal to the council from bar owners to find common ground. Some like the complete indoor ban (with few exception, like the ordinance passed), while others would like bars to allow smoking and restaurants would have to make it disappear.

It seems to me, that if we're going to have a smoking ban, the one passed is the most feasible for everyone. Basically, it removes smoking from all bars, clubs, and restaurants, with exceptions being private establishments, hotel/motel rooms designated smoking, etc.

Bottom line is that when you go to Star Bar to have a drink, you'll be drinking Jack Daniel's without your Pall Malls.

If they pass a partial ban prohibiting smoking in places that primarily sell food (like my restaurant), but allow smoking in clubs and bars that primarily serve alcohol, the restaurants will be hurt -- significantly. Smokers won't come to Carrabba's to have a drink, they'll go straight to the bars.

There are several cities in Texas that currently have bans in place. What should we expect for businesses?

With all the argument, let's see if the City Council has the fortitude to keep it in place, or if they buckle under pressure.


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