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Pretending To Be Important...

Anytime my schedule changes, it takes a few weeks to adapt. I'm not talking about simply working an extra day, or having dinner at 6:00 instead of 7:00 (although it'd be nice to have a job where dinner wasn't at 11:15), I mean drastic schedule changes, like starting a new semester in school.

I've gone from taking shorter classes every day, to having class two days a week, but being at school from 11:00 until 6:00 instead. I have no complaints, but it takes a little time to adapt.

Therefore, my time to blog has diminished considerably. While it's easy to throw a few lines on the web that mean absolutely nothing to anyone, I try to keep people intrigued; that takes a bit more time. Of course that doesn't mean reading my material is intriguing to you, but I try.

Ultimately, writing is quite theraputic; it's a nice way to relax.

At times, I think it's an addiction, but I certainly hope not. Shouldn't I have a real addiction, like alcoholism, gambling, or crack? Or it'd be nice to be a sex-addict or an adrenaline junky.

Why do I get the blogging addiction? I suppose a Baptist minister would tell me that it's all a part of God's plan. That's another reason I'm not Baptist.

Okay, maybe it's not an addiction, but it definitely brings gratification.

And to top it off, I've been waiting quite some time to have a website of my own. I hired a web developer to create a site to use as a portfolio. Since Rebecca and I are moving to Denver, I thought it would be a simple way to make myself available to potential employers while searching for a career, but I'll include a blog on the site, along with my resume.

While it's nearing completion, it's taken a bit longer than I thought.

It's okay -- I have patience.

Then comes my next dilemma: if I plan to have a blog outside MySpace, how will I develop an audience? When I skim through blogs, they seem to have an overall theme that mine does not. Some focus on sports, news, Bush-bashing, politics, sex, and technology, while mine is simply random thoughts from my ego.

I've come to the conclusion that, in order to gain national exposure, I have to show crotch shots of hot celebrities, pictures of Paris Hilton drunk in see-thru clothing, or show nipple-slips of Lindsay Lohan.

Hopefully, my blog will have a bit more integrity than that. Believe me, I have no problem with naked women, but I hope to keep the non-sense that is Miss Lohan and Paris the Heiress away from my musings.

I'll stick with my devotion to Mandy Moore and my unhealthy infactuation with Bea Arthur, though I'll try not to bring you along.

It sure would be nice to change the world with this blog, but I doubt that's likely. Therefore, I'll try to entertain. Maybe some unwitty humor, terse opinions, and the occasional distasteful comments will be enough. I suppose I could put this Marketing degree to use and actually market my site to people.

So let's see if there's a market for my product.

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