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Take It As Scripture...

Here are a few quick NFL hits.

Miami Dolphins
I'm not sold. They'll win more because they're in a bad division, but Daunte Culpepper is not the savior -- as a matter of fact, I'm not sure he's a quarterback. Without Randy Moss, you can't simply throw the ball in the air and hope a receiver makes plays.

Dallas Cowboys
Again, I'm not as big on Drew Bledsoe as everyone else seems to be. While I think they'll play well, and Bledsoe will have a better season than 2005, they're serious playoff contenders, but I'm not ready to call them true Super Bowl contenders.

Washington Redskins
This is the team that I believe has the bigget fall from last year. I pick them last in the NFC East.

San Diego Chargers
3rd place in the AFC West. A young quarterback (and one I am not a believer in) doesn't stand much of a chance in that division.

New England Patriots
If they only played in a tougher division. They'll do well, but with a schedule as simple as theirs, they're supposed to do well.

Denver Broncos
Great additions. They're ready.

Houston Texas
They'll put a much better product on the field. Not a playoff contender yet, but a good running game, and this year, David Carr shows what he can do with protection.

Green Bay Packers
I expect Brett Favre (while I think he's always been overrated) to have a much better year than last year, but that's not saying a whole lot. He performed so poorly last season, but they'll contend for a playoff spot.

Minnesota Vikings
Currently, they're the frontrunner for the NFC North. As much as I hate the Vikings, an improved running game and tougher offensive line will help offset the small step backwards they take in the passing game.

My Super Bowl prediction:
Denver vs. Carolina.

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