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No Experience Or Education Required...

Driving around town brings interesting blog ideas on it's own, but when one jumps up and slaps me in the face, I can't help but pass it along to you.

So I took a picture.

If I truly am a professional blogger, I'd be doing you folks a disservice if I didn't allow you to partake in my amusement.

Take a look at the picture.  This is what a southeast Texas education will get you.  Actually, I take that back -- since I'm a believer in individual responsibility, I'm blaming this on the dipshit who changed the sign.  My only question is, where's the boss?  Don't they see these things?

And if you can't figure out what's wrong with this picture, I'll give you a hint: there are two separate mistakes!!  If you still can't figure it out, lock yourself in the garage with the car running and the windows down.  That'll do us all a favor.

I suppose I expected my Sonic Carhop to have more brains than the McDonald's girl with several kids, driving a Chevy Malibu.

Ever notice that?  Next time you drive through McDonald's, check out the employee parking.  You'll only see Chevy Malibu's and Dodge Neon's.

Remember, you heard it here.


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