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A Hippie University Earns My Respect...

The University of Colorado fired controversial activist Ward Churchill on Tuesday, and in the process, earned my respect.

If only my opinion mattered to the university.

Here's the misconception, however: most people believe he was fired for his ridiculous comments regarding 9/11 victims. While his comments brought attention to his literature, in reality, he was fired for "misconduct," which included plagarism.

To maintain their credibility, CU Boulder decided that firing Churchill was in their best interest.

For a university that is known for it's stark liberalism and support of free speech, it certainly made the right decision. Plagarism is not free speech, and is a clear violation of the rights of another's creativity.

Now Ward Churchill is going to sue, and if the evidence supports the university's decision, he'll get squashed in court. I do, however, have this feeling that he'll win the lawsuit, and the jury will deliver an asenine verdict, as in the O.J. Simpson trial.

Time will tell, but as of today, hippies like Ward Churchill are crying across the country.

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Are you sure his name isn't Professor Sexypants?

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