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Pain In The Ass...

When is it okay to ask too many questions, or ask the same person for help over and over again? Recently, I've began to consider if I'm a pain in the ass, or if it's someone's job.

Dr. Babin, bless his heart, has been wonderful. He's the Chair of the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance, where I was once a major, but am now a minor. This is where it all began.

It seemed like I was going to him for everything. Within the last several weeks, he's helped me with a substitution in my curriculum, a letter for the substitution, he's signed off on my change of major to Marketing, and then back to him to sign off on the change of major to Marketing with a minor in Music. He's asked me in to discuss a class he's giving over the summer, and now, in order to take that class, my new advisor is asking for a letter in writing to take this class, because I'm taking 9 credit hours instead of the allowed 8. I can't go back to him and ask for a letter! He's done enough... especially since I don't HAVE to take one of the classes... but if I don't, it screws up EVERYTHING!! I have a couple prerequisits that I planned on taking over the summer, but if not, my entire schedule until graduation has to change.

For someone as organized as I am, that's a catastrophe!

And then there's the dentist.

My wisdom tooth removal was a cakewalk. Nothing to it. I was fine when I got home... as a matter of fact, I drove myself home. Other than a fat lip, no problems. But because of my heart condition (mitrovalve prolapse), we played 20 questions before, after, and even during the operation. "When do I take my medicine?" "How long will I need to rest?" "Can I go back to work soon?" ... yadi yadi yada. And to top it off, the gas they give you to relax, also gives you the same effect as if you were drunk. Anyone that knows me when I get drunk, I get loud and start making jokes (and not even funny ones!). It's not easy trying to be funny when you've got a set of pliers in your mouth yanking on a tooth. For some reason, that didn't stop me. Let's put it this way: after he loosened the tooth enough to remove it, I began cheering while he was pulling.

So, over the past few days, I've felt like a true pain in the ass. Let's hope Dr. Babin doesn't feel that way. As for the dentist, I can easily find someone else to see if I'm too worried about someone seeing my face in that office again. Too bad, cause I really feel comfortable with him sticking a drill in my mouth.


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