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I Have a Problem -- Or Do You...?

Okay, I've got a problem.

People who know me well, know about my political affiliation. Typically, I consider myself a Republican because I'd prefer the far right over the far left. I don't vote straight ticket, and I don't always agree with Bush. I voted for Bush twice, but I also supported President Clinton in office, as well. To be clear, I do vote Democrat, also.

After the State of the Union, Bush is coming under attack for the Patriot Act. Although I don't agree with all of his ideas, I don't agree with Bush-bashing simply for the point of attacking, either.

There are things that Bush can do better, but don't simply make up things to further your agenda.

Below is a link to a blog by my friend who reposted an article he found. It's not his work, so don't bash him, but notice how the media can spin something one way, when it actually couldn't be further from the truth. I have a response on the bottom.

Read and learn.


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