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Laundry Day...

So I tell Smash (Rebecca) this afternoon that, since I have the day off, I'll take care of the laundry.  It's the least I can do for a woman who does so much for me.  The basket's getting full, I'm out of clothes to wear, and after my last shower, I had to use the cat to dry myself.

Of course, I'm thinking this is a nice gesture on my part, and who knows, maybe it'll score me some brownie points -- for activities that have no business being mentioned in blog form.

As I get home from class today, I notice that Smash (Rebecca) has divided the laundry into seperate piles for me.  Colors, whites, towels, jeans, bed sheets, and rugs -- all seperated.  Each pile had a nice little note on top with instructions as to how to wash them, with "warm water" or "cold water." 

Am I that stupid?  Maybe I simply pretend to be.  I thought, a long time ago, that if I screwed up the laundry enough, she wouldn't make me do it any more.  Boy, was I wrong. 

So far, I've shrunk two shirts, a pair of pants, dyed white towels pink, and got red lint all over her coat. 

My plan hasn't worked yet.  I'm still doing laundry.

Damn.  And worst of all, the brownie points haven't paid off.


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