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Did He Really Say That...?

Will we ever learn why religion strikes such a hard blow to our psyche?

I spend entirely too much time on MySpace, but it seems I don't read enough comment boxes.  Maybe because they're normally clouded with uninteresting glittery images that wish people a happy holiday, or run-on sentences people paste together after a night that includes too many shots of whiskey, but occasionally one sinks in that requires attention.

My lovely friend Amber received a slightly offensive comment that seemed to put her friends in an uproar, more so than her.  It appears someone has questioned the sanctity her religious beliefs.  She blogged about it, herself.

To be fair, I do not know the person who made the comments, nor do I believe he was being malevolent when he made them, but they were slightly arrogant and in poor taste. 

Wanna join the conversation?  At the very least, put your mind to work  Think about what someone said, how it made someone else feel, and use it as a lesson in our own lives.

Here's the blog that got everyone's attention.  Remember folks, if you make comments, be respectful.

Are you telling me you have something better to do with your time?

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