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Houston Means That I'm One Day Closer To You...

It’s been a long eight days.

Let’s get everyone up to speed. On Monday, October 2nd, Nate, my roommate from Orlando, was in a serious Motorcycle accident near his dorm in Denver. Since he’s from Seattle, his parents flew into Colorado Tuesday morning.

Because his mother didn’t have my number, I found out about the accident Tuesday evening from a bulletin his mother posted on MySpace. Wednesday morning I hopped on a flight to Denver, which is where I’ve since been. I’m currently sitting in Denver International Airport (DIA) waiting for my 8:50 AM flight to Bush Intercontinental.

DIA uses AT&T and charges for wi-fi access, so this probably will not be posted until my arrival in Texas. Ahh, capitalism.

While Nate’s injuries are serious, he has completed two surgeries, with more to come, but has shown significant improvement every day. He has several broken bones (most of them shattered), but no permanent damage, or head trauma. Thankfully, he was wearing a helmet, riding gloves, and a protective jacket.

We later found out from the Kawasaki dealership where he purchased his bike, that the helmet he bought (and paid $600 for, on sale) is the best helmet on the market, and likely saved his life.

For details on Nate’s status, check out the blog we set up at fixnathan.blogspot.com.

I met some great people while in Denver, and renewed relationships with others. Nate’s parents are fabulous, and in the face of disaster handled themselves very well. What they’re going through certainly isn’t easy, but they handled it with class. They’ve made me feel comfortable and part of the family each and every time I’ve been in their company. In the past, they gained my respect, but this week, they earned my admiration.

Nate has great friends, and I’m personally thankful for all of them. They made me feel at home and were willing to help every step of the way. Being nearly 2,000 miles away from home is difficult when you’re not familiar with the city, although today I feel quite comfortable with Denver as I’m making my way back to the Lone Star State. Thank you to Krystal, Jason, Nick (Wee-Man), Katy, and especially Caitlin. You’ve all been great, and Caitlin was often my chauffeur and errand buddy. Thank you all.

If it wasn’t for Tres & Sara, I doubt I would have been able to make the trip, or it would have been much more difficult otherwise. Sara unselfishly gave me her car with no restrictions, and the two of them gave me a place to stay with lots of love and understanding. I certainly won’t forget it, and I love them both dearly.

I can’t wait to get home and see Rebecca. I’ve been away for too long, and I miss her much. Tonight, I simply want to sit at home, hold her, and be thankful that what has happened to Nate wasn’t much more serious than it could have been.

Be thankful. Nate almost lost his life. That could have been any one of us.

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