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Mile High Magic...

At a cruising altitude, somewhere over southern Colorado, the week that was is fresh on my mind.

Rebecca and I are planning a move to Denver in early January. We have a trip scheduled for mid-November to finalize housing, schooling, and squeeze in a mini-vacation, so I got a head start.

Because of Nate’s accident, I’ve now spent significant time in the Mile High City, and even found time to squeeze in a Broncos Monday Night Football game. Invesco Field is gorgeous, and even though temperatures were ridiculously cold (for a Texas boy) and rainy, I had the time of my life. Matt, my brother in Phi Mu Alpha, came down from Boulder where he’s getting in Masters in Music to join Krystal, Caitlin, and me for beer and football. The Broncos beat the Ravens 13-3.

Tres & Sara’s apartment, where I stayed, is located in Westminster off I-25, 15 minutes north of downtown Denver. I made the drive every night, and made a point to take a different route each trip.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I love this city. Downtown is constantly busy everywhere (unlike Houston, which has hot spots) and the city is clean.

The drive is amazing. Each direction you turn, the Rocky Mountains are in visual distance, and the view from the hills is so peaceful and captivating. Looking over the landscape puts life into perspective. While Texas will always be in my blood, I don’t think I’ll have a difficult time making Denver my home.

City living is going to be an adjustment. Aside from the fact that I’m going to be away from my family and friends, adapting to the cost of living increase, the different food choices (no more late-night Whataburger or Jack In The Box tacos), and limited access to the Houston Astros, the transition shouldn’t be too difficult. Rebecca’s family (and now my family) will be there, I’ll eat more Panara Bread, and I’ll become a Rockies fan. That should solve most of my problems, but again, finding a job will be my main worry.

Driving through downtown, I had a hard time believing that finding a stable, enjoyable, and decent paying would be difficult. There have to be plenty of opportunities available. Hopefully I’ll be able to capitalize on one of them.

Now I get back to my life. My professors have been great, so it’s time to play catch-up. If I don’t, we might not be moving to Denver.

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