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From Washington, To Hollywood, and Back To Washington...

Rumors are circulating that former United States Senator and actor Fred Dalton Thompson is considering a run for the White House. Dalton plays District Attorney Arthur Branch on television's Law & Order.

I'm not ready to say I'll vote for him, nor do I know where he stands on all the issues, but I like what he brings to the table. He supports John McCain's campaign finance reform, and has used the words, "ought to be left up to the states."

Those words always get my support.

He's also mentioned that Americans are "disillusioned."

No shit.

Republicans are spending money that can be called anything but conservative, and liberals who usually throw away money are complaining about our fiscal policy. Bush supporters aren't asking for a plan to get out of Iraq, and anti-war hippies think we can simply leave, take a puff from our hookah, and call it a day.

"Disillusioned" might be an understatement.

But either way -- a list of potential candidates that range from Fred Thompson, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, and Tom Tancredo all offer a list of positives. But as long as they keep my taxes low, I'll be happy.

Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, or even Al Gore? We might have an exciting race for 08!

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