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Give The Texans Credit...

New Texans Quarterback Matt Schaub

I don't understand why the Texans are receiving so much negative publicity for the moves they've made this offseason.  The addition of Matt Schaub was the inevitable solution to the David Carr saga, and Ahman Green's presence immediately makes this team better.

For the national media, it's difficult for them to comprehend how people in Houston felt about David Carr.  Houstonians want him to play elsewhere next season, but the perceived notion is that we simply lost a quarterback who was never given a real chance to prove himself, due to management not surrounding him with decent talent.

The Texans did the right thing by trading for Matt Schaub. 

David Carr wasn't going anywhere in Houston, and the fans were fed up.  Jake Plummer isn't the answer, Jeff Garcia is pushing 40, and if the plan was to spend a first-round draft pick on Brady Quinn, then they made the right decision.

Brady Quinn would be a gamble -- just as Schaub -- only less seasoned.  Ultimately, he cost a second round draft pick in 2007 & 2008, which is worth trading for a quarterback who doesn't need the two or three years to grow.  Schaub has carried the clipboard on the sidelines, and he's had the opportunity to learn what the speed of the NFL is like first hand.   Brady Quinn and even Kevin Kolb have not.

There are still going to be growing pains, but he's young, has lots of potential, and is mobile enough to scramble behind an offensive line that still needs help.

In the backfield, the addition of Ahman Green improves a running game that did not exist last season.  He's older -- probably too old for a top tier running back -- and we paid a lot; but improvements aren't cheap, and at a position we so desperately needed help in, that's the price you pay for being one of the worst franchises in football.

Resigning Andre Johnson and matching the offer sheet of fullback Vonta Leach keep this franchise moving in the right direction.  General Manager Rick Smith is proving that he and Coach Gary Kubiak are going to take this franchise to the next level.

Charley Casserly isn't running the show any longer.  Rick Smith is proving it.

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