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I Laugh...

Maybe I'm a jerk, but I laugh at people who wear helmets while riding their bicycle.

If you're a professional rider who competes, you're excused.

But business men and women who ride their bikes downtown after leaving the office in a business suit with saddle bags to carry their paperwork? You have no credibility.

It seems either pretentious or over-cautious.

Again, maybe I'm just a jerk.

Or maybe you're a nerd.


Well, it's common safety--you're already going to probably get hurt if you're hit by a car, so you might as well protect your head as best you can... so yeah, I guess that makes you a jerk. :) But I'll join you in laughing at people who show up at work with grease on the ankles of their pants and smelling sweaty at 8 a.m.

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