Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Better Make It Worth It...

If we don't love Denver, we're sure acting like it.

After a two hour weather delay on Christmas Day, our flight from Houston finally departed. My parents saw this as an opportunity to remind us that snow delays don't happen in the great state of Texas.

Believe me, I haven't forgotten.

As I look back on 2007, more positives happened than the contrary, but I feel less fulfilled.

In January, our move to Denver opened the doors we'd always hoped for. I began a career in sports like I'd always dreamed, and got married to the woman I love. As the year ends, we have financing in place for our first home, and we'll begin our search soon.

We've met good people, grown as individuals, and my wife is closer to completing her degree. Also, Colorado has given Rebecca the peace of mind to know her family is nearby.

Maybe it's because we haven't taken advantage of what Denver has to offer, or maybe I had a hard time adjusting from 80-hour work weeks after graduation, to the traditional day job my new career has provided.

As 2008 nears, we've decided we'll sit and prepare a set of goals. They'll probably revolve around the F's.


Going into the new year, I feel confident that life's going to continue to get better, and we'll see significant progress. We're getting better at planning, which will help our finances, and if we can grow within ourselves, with our families, and with our maker, we'll be better people.

Free-time is nice, as long as we're constructive. Too much TV won't do much good, but reading a few more books should do the trick.

Does Fine Wine count as an F? I could always use more of that.

And as the plane nears Denver International Airport, the pilot just stated we're 150 miles from Denver, where the temperature is 16.

Fun. That's another F. In Houston, it was 60.

16 degrees? Makes me think of another F-word.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Speculation, Lies, And More Confusion...

With the results of the Mitchell Report revealed today, players across Major League Baseball can breathe a sigh of relief. Clearly, lots of players got a free pass.

Hours before the press conference, rumors were rampant about some of the names to be released. It was then in which I started to believe we were in for a bigger bombshell than originally expected.

A New York television station released a leaked list of players that were believed to be mentioned, but that list was later retracted after discrepencies were reported. In retrospect, the list was way off base.

George Mitchell provides evidence in his report that several players, including Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, Miguel Tejada, Paul Lo Duca, Eric Gagne, Gary Sheffield, and Troy Glaus purchased or used steroids or HGH. A number of other players were also listed.

The report changes nothing on my view of steroids or Major Leage Baseball, and I'm not quite sure what the investigation accomplished, except ruining the reputation of several ball players. Now, Roger Clemens gets a shadow over his career, while other players who have used performance enhancers - but were able to keep their name off the list - won't.

Only 1% of ball players were on the list, while around 7% tested positive a couple seasons ago. Many players went unnamed, and a select few will take the heat for them all.

In his press conference, Mitchell stated, "Baseball cannot afford to engage in a never-ending search for the names of every player who used illegal substances.'' Having said that, I'm not quite sure why he felt the need to release names at all.

So what's next? Andy Pettitte and Miguel Tejada have never tested postive. Will they be suspended for the first 15 games? Will this change the opinion of fans who support some of these players? Commissioner Selig said he would act appropriately for each individual case.

The evidence against Barry Bonds is quite underwhelming, but the public still ridicules him. If you don't support Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, or Sammy Sosa, will you now not support Roger Clemens?

Let's take a personal step back: if you don't believe Bonds is worthy of the Hall of Fame, then Roger Clemens isn't, either.

Gut check: either admit you were wrong about Bonds and change your opinion, or denounce every other player on this list, as well. Against what politicians say, you're entitled to change your mind.

If you think steroids is cheating, be consistent. You all know where I stand.

Photo courtesy of Richard Drew of the Associated Press.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tejada To Houston...

Today, the Astros made a trade for Miguel Tejada. In return, Houston sent Luke Scott, Matt Albers, Troy Patton, Dennis Sarfate, and Mike Costanzo to the Baltimore Orioles.

5 for 1. Lopsided? It's probably a push.

My logic is simple. Let me explain.

Luke Scott is a fan favorite in Houston, probably because the fans don't believe he was given a fair chance to play everyday. With the arrival of Hunter Pence and the trade that brought Michael Bourn to play center, it was clear that Scott was on his way out. Rather the front office believed he was worthy of a starting job is irrelevant. With Carlos Lee intrenched in left field, Pence moving to his natural position in right field, and Michael Bourn's speed in center, Scott was the odd man out.

Troy Patton was our top prospect, but even he was expandable for the right deal. Was this the right deal? That remains to be seen.

Patton is a lefty with a fastball that tops out around 92 mph. He has a good command of his pitches, but his stuff doesn't blow you away. He's probably a third or fourth starter over his career, and it seems to be the general impression that he's never reached his full potential. With a history of slight shoulder problems, I wonder if the Astros organization was concerned with his durability.

Matt Albers is the pitcher that I'm concerned with losing. We've heard about his maturity issues over the years, but seen flashes of brilliance. He has great stuff, but it appears his work ethic won't allow him to completely develop. If he can gain better control, he can be a true stud in this league.

Dennis Sarfate was decent in the minors, but brilliant in his short time in the majors last September. 14 strikeouts and one walk over 8.1 innings had people asking if he could step in as the Astros closer. His control problems probably won't allow it this early, but with a fastball near 100 mph, the potential exists. It appears neither of his two former teams (Brewers & Astros) were convinced he'd be an impact player in the majors.

Mike Constanzo was acquired in the Brad Lidge trade, and the knock on him was terrible defense and a high strikeout rate. He's a power hitting third baseman with Adam Dunn-type potential: he'll hit a home run, strikeout, or walk in most of his at bats.

Miguel Tejada is 32-years old (9 months older than Adam Everett), and by no means has he lost his ability to hit. Last season was the first he's missed a single game in several years, meaning he's durable. When you get 140 less at-bats, your numbers are going to go down.

He brings energy to the clubhouse, helps the Astros with the Hispanic market, and should bring an element to the diamond that the team could use. He'll make everyone around him better.

Don't forget, Adam Everett had 8 errors in 66 games last season. Those numbers aren't very good, and translate into a bad defensive year. While he had one of the best defensive seasons in baseball history in 2006, he's an out machine at the plate.

Stop reading the message boards and get your information from a real source, like ESPN.com, FoxSports.com, or local papers. The Astros get knocked for giving up a lot. I say we gave up a couple good prospects (Albers, Sarfate, & Patton), a major league-ready outfielder who should be a role-player (Scott), and a throw-in (Costanzo).

The Astros got a lot better this week. Now lets find a proven pitcher.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It Ain't Supposed To Be Like This...

Something about the snow is very depressing.

I love the Christmas season, so when Rebecca and I moved to Denver, I was excited that a white Christmas would be in our future.

By itself, the snow doesn't bother me, but the bad weather can shut down a bustling city during the holidays.

The streets are supposed to be crowded and the mall is supposed to packed. That's what I love about this time of year.

When the snowy weather keeps people indoors, it takes away the fun. Standing in an empty mall parking lot in the middle of December on a quiet night doesn't seem right. Unfortunately, it's all because of the shitty weather.

Happy dull holidays.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Gettin' Back To My Roots...

It's been a while since I've written - too long for me to be away from the keyboard. For the thousands of readers around the world, forgive me.

Currently, I'm reading a book called If You're Not Out Selling, You're Being Outsold. Because I'm still new to sales, any self-education I can find is helpful. I've yet to be as successful in sales as I'd like, but I'm confident it will come.

While reading, it made me realize why I originally began writing this blog in the first place.

There was a time when I was constantly learning. Whether it was in class, reading, or simply researching new information on the internet, this blog gave me a forum to keep it in order. Originally, I hoped that one day I could search through old postings to find something that would make my brain function more efficiently.

In the meantime, it's turned into a place for me to bash Eli Manning, and talk about my growing man-crush on Tony Romo.

I'll still bash Eli, and as long as the Cowboys keep winning, I'll keep flashing "pretty eyes" to Mr. Romo. I would, however, like to bring a little depth back to the virtual pages of AintScared.net.

My mind works differently than most people. I don't 'think' the way you do, and I don't want to fall victim to the shallow opinions of newscasters, sports writers, or the prevalent viewpoint on a push-button topic.

It's unusual to see me calling for Michael Vick to be sentenced to life in prison. I have a tendency to defend those that are hated.

Sometime ago - when I wore a younger man's clothes - I was taught to think for myself, research, and learn before forming an opinion.

You'll read a lot of differing viewpoints, but I hope to make you think.

Let's hope I'm smart enough to do so.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Ron Paul Revolution...

Did you watch the CNN YouTube Debate?

Do you know we're electing a new President next year?

Ron Paul is a candidate that I secretly want to see win (that doesn't mean I'm prepared to vote for him). However, I don't believe he stands a chance.

Have you heard this guy? The Congressman from Texas is running as a Republican, but don't be fooled - he's Libertarian.

If elected, Ron Paul would eliminate the IRS, Homeland Security, the Federal Reserve, the Department of Education, FEMA and more, calling them "unnecessary bureaucracies." He would withdraw the United States from NATO, the United Nations, UNICEF, and other organizations throughout the world.

Without going into detail (you can educate yourself), Ron Paul is the candidate people are looking for when they're asking for real change in the country - although he may be a bit extreme.

I can't imagine he'll win the election, and I'm not saying I will/won't support his candidacy, but he brings something new, fresh, and "real" to the campaign that the country should notice.

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

What I'm Thankful For...

On a day of thanks, I have plenty to appreciate.

I'm thankful for Tony Romo, Terrell Owens, Jason Witten, Marion Barber, and the Dallas Cowboys defense. Thank you, Jerry Jones, for putting together a team that wins.

Thank you, Jason Garrett, for running an offense that's exciting.

Thank you, Wade Phillips, for managing a team of stars, and helping build a defense that's improved week after week.

I'm also thankful for CBS, NBC, Fox, ESPN, and the NFL Network for broadcasting most of the Cowboys games across the country, and the local Denver affiliates for picking them up.

Finally, I'm thankful that the Cowboys are fun to watch again. It's been a while since we've had a quarterback that's entertained me, and a running back that's brought excitement to the Dallas backfield.

It's good to be a Cowboys fan.

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