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Hail Mary, Full Of Grace...

With all the conversation about religion, Amber's jumped into the Baptist discussion, as well. With real life experiences, her input is very relevant.

I hope I didn't pigeonhole all Baptists with my earlier comments. I get overly-concerned that my opinions are going to come as attacks instead of valid points or concerns; but the individuals who I've spoken to seem to understand where I stand, and they represent their denomination well.

Speaking of denomination, do you people understand that Christian is the religion, and Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, etc. are the denomination?

You are not a member of the Baptist religion. Jeez!

So now I need help, and I need help from you Catholics, specifically. Here's my dilemma: I have been seriously considering converting to Catholicism for two reasons, (1) Rebecca is Catholic, and I'd like our kids raised in a stable religious environment, and (2) they make a lot more sense to me. I enjoy the way they conduct services, the history, and the fact that it was started by Jesus, himself, tells me there's that direct connection to Christ. I understand that, in order to do so, there are certain aspects that I must believe in: transubstatiation being one of them.

Where I need your help is praying to Mary and the Saints. I don't understand where, in the philosophy of Christianity, this is instructed. As a matter of fact, biblically God said to pray directly to him. I understand that it's showing respect to the mother of our Lord, someone chosen specifically to carry God's child, but I don't feel satisfied with that answer. I need more.


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