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Root For The Good Guys...

So the Astros are tied for the second best record in the major leagues.  At 10 - 4, that ties them with the Boston Red Sox, and second only to the New York Mets at 10 - 3. 

Houston has five players hitting above .300, while Morgan Ensberg is leading the league with a .429 batting average. 

It seems like the power is coming around as Ensberg, Berkman, Lane, and Wilson have combined for 19 long balls.  Unfortunately, a person named Albert Pujols seems to keep the attention on himself with a personal total of 10.  That's ridiculous.  Are we sure he's 26?

We're seeing a nice difference from last season.  Runs seem to be showing up in large quantities, and the team is hitting a strong .289.  The difference, though, is pitching. 

Strikeouts are down, walks are up, and our team ERA is not where we'd like it.  Most of this can be contributed to the loss of Roger Clemens, but seeing Andy Pettitte get rocked in his first outing didn't help things, nor the fact that the bullpen has been giving up an unusual amount of runs.

How long will this last?  Houston usually is a second half team, and seeing them get started off so strongly makes me question whether or not we can sustain it.  We're going to have our ups and downs, including our string of wins and losses, but it's nice to see the kids get started in the right direction.

But you still gotta believe. 

It's time to get back to the park!  Let's keep it up!

I truly do live for this!

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