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I'm so jealous of some of you.  Tomorrow is July 4th, and I'd like nothing more than to barbeque some burgers, drink Lone Star Beer, listen to Lynard Skynard, and shoot bottle rockets at hippies all day, but instead, I work in the restaurant business.

I'll be slingin' drinks for a bunch of people who don't want to be downtown for the fireworks extravaganza that Beaumont does so well.  It really is kinda cool.  But after working for Disney, and seeing the 4th of July firework dispay over Lake Buena Vista, it's still a nice showing, although no one puts on a fireworks show like the Walt Disney Company.

Tomorrow, don't forget why we love this nation.  Rather you're against the war, pro-Bush, anti-death penatly, liberal, moderate, yadi-yada -- don't forget the sacrifices made to give you the opportunity to celebrate. 

Do you think we can go a single day without Bush-bashing?

Just remember to aim at a hippie for me -- especially if you've got a 300-shot box of Saturn Missiles.

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