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Houston, Don't Panic...

This game was going exactly the way we wanted it.  Roy Oswalt was coasting along, and we ended up with a 9-1 lead against the White Sox. 

Then we bring in the bullpen.

After a couple runs, then the bases loaded, Tadahito Iguchi drives 'em all in -- at once. 

A fuckin' grand slam!

Did you know that in the last four games at U.S. Cellular Field (Game 2 of the World Series, and all three games of this interleague series), the Astros have given up a grand slam to the White Sox? 

No one seems to remember the World Series slam.  It was just like Game 1 of this series -- first pitch from Qualls went into the left field bleachers.

Have you watched Bobby Jenks from the White Sox?  Who throws a 97 mph slider?  This guy's a monster.

This year our offense has been streaky.  Our starting pitching has been a disappointment, and our bullpen has been terrible.  It seems like we go over this year after year.

... and year after year I hear the same thing -- the Astros suck.  After six playoff appearances in nine years, we don't suck.  We're one of the top franchises in baseball.  We've been up, and we've been down, but never give up on the Astros. 

People ask me every time we lose, especially difficult loses, why I pull for the Astros.  "They always choke," I hear. 

Folks, when my child gets a bad grade in school, or my fiance gets into a car accident, they'll still have my love.  I'll never turn my back.  Sometimes it's tough to watch, and I get just as upset as the next guy, but when you love something as much as I love the Astros, you've got to have faith. 

If you're a fan, don't give up.  We can't win 'em all, and sometimes we'll look terrible.  We're going to go through streaks of tough loses, and several weeks when we look like we can't be beaten -- that's the game of  baseball we love so much.

For someone like me who lives and dies every night the Astros take the field, tough loses hit me hard.  But I have to take a hard look at where we are, and where we soon will be.

With Clemens returning to the rotation, and soon Brandon Backe, we get two quality pitchers that compare to a nice mid-season trade.  Then we'll need bullpen help, and it'd be nice to have a left-handed bat. 

  • I've heard a trade rumor that the Astros were attempting to send Morgan Ensberg and Jason Lane to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim for Vladamir Guerrero.  I'm not sure what that'll accomplish for the Angels who are still very much in the race for the AL West.


  • Wouldnt it be nice if we could make a trade for Miguel Cabrera from the Florida Marlins?  I'd be willing to give up Jason Lane, Adam Everett, and even Morgan Ensberg for him.  Luke Scott would be a viable replacement for Jason Lane, Mike Lamb would move to 3rd base, and Berkman could have his position at 1st.  I don't see Florida willing to make that move, though.


  • I'm not against Morgan Ensberg, but he's so streaky.  Adam Everett is a hell of a defensive shortstop (and we've won several games because of his work on the diamond), but the kid has very little hitting ability.  To his defense, though, he's won several games for us this season at the plate.  Jason Lane, though, is still hitting below .210; that's a season-long slump.  He's still unproven, not very young, and should be on the trading block.  Unfortunately, everyone else knows he's not as good as we'd like him to be.


  • With trades, the bottom line is if you want an impact player, you've got to be willing to give up an impact player in return.  Luckily, with Mike Lambs' production as high as it has been, Ensberg becomes expendable. 


  • With Taylor Buchholz, Fernando Nieve, Ezekiel Estacio, Jason Hirch, and Chris Sampson, the Astros have a number of young arms that can be dealt at the trade deadline, if the deal is right.


  • Trust GM Tim Purpura.  He's not dumb. 


BTW -- the Astros finally beat the White Sox.  To the fan who interfered with the ball sending Adam Everett to 3rd base thank you.


It's a nice win, but there's little joy in it.

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