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Kinky Politics...

A lot of you don't enjoy politics -- and I understand why.  For the November gubernatorial election, you stand a strong chance to make a change. 

I'm certainly not telling you who to vote for, but take a hard, serious look at Kinky Friedman.  He's a musician and a writer, and if all goes well, he'll be the new face of Texas politics. 

If you're tired of the job Rick Perry's done, and finally realized that no Democrat is going to win the Governor's mansion in Texas anytime soon, your options become Carole Keeton Strayhorn (who's actually a Republican running as an Independent), Libertarian James Werner (who hold absolutely zero chance of winning), or Kinky, who's running as an independent (and for all I can tell, should be).

Take a look at his site, and he's even got a MySpace.  Read his blog, watch his videos, and give serious thought to a different type of politician in Austin.

I mean, hey -- "Why the hell not?"

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