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Gimmie One Reason...

Beaumont got rocked on Sunday night.  Not by a local band performing for the allure of the crowd, but rather a thunderstorm and flooding worse than I've seen in quite a while.

About 2:30 am, Rebecca and I were awaken to the sound of a transformer exploding in our front yard.  Then the power went out.  The next morning, I got the best news -- my six year old 27' Toshiba television was fried.  I'm serious when I say this is the best news.

Now, I have a reason to buy a new TV, and even Rebecca will have to support it.

I could get my current television fixed, but where's the fun in that?  Especially when I can have a 40' flat panel LCD television hanging on my wall.  Plus, Best Buy and Circuit City are both offering 0% financing until 2008. 

This is awesome!  Especially since Rebecca can't tell me I'm wasting my money by purchasing something I don't need.  Now, we truly do have a need!  We can't live without a television in the living room, can we?

Maybe I should be a dumb ass, again, and take the surge protector off my computer.  That way, I'll finally get my Mac. 

I'm sure I'll find some excuse to purchase my MacBook next.  I'm good at finding ways to blow big money.

I'll tell you about my latest purchase soon, after I surprise Rebecca with it, first.  Let's just say iWill be jammin' soon, and so will she!

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