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Someone Pass The Collection Plate...

How much did you give to charity last year?  $1,000?  $10,000?  Maybe a little change to that bum in the stadium parking lot? (I actually took that picture in Seattle before the Cowboys/Seahawks game.)

How about Warren Buffett giving $31.7 BILLION to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?  I credit a USA Today article for the story.

Now if you don't know who Warren Buffett is, put down the Xbox controller.  He's the second-richest person in the world, behind only Mr. Gates himself, and has a very abstemious lifestyle. 

According to the article, he's giving away 84% of his stockholdings over the course of several years.  The money was originally supposed to go to his family foundation. 

One question, though -- at 75 years old, someone must have pissed him off quite a bit to get written out of his will. 

And by the way -- at the closing of the NYSE on June 23, Berkshire Hathaway was listed at $92,100 per share.  I suppose that's what a 25 return will do to your portfolio.

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