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As I See It...

Unfortunately my writing has been limited. I miss it, and specifically, I miss the sports discussion. Let’s see how much I can catch up on.

• Okay, so the Astros are out of it. We came close, but fell just a bit short. Remember how people say the games in April and May don’t really count? Wouldn’t it be nice to have one more win on your record right now?

• So what off-season moves will the ‘Stros make? I expect GM Tim Purpura will sign Carlos Lee, and (here’s the bold prediction) will make a serious run at acquiring Alex Rodriguez. We have lots of young pitching that the Yankees will consider, but in the end, Jason Hirsch, Chris Sampson, and Morgan Ensberg will not be enough to make the Yankees complete a deal.

• I’m not quite sure why Carlos Lee is so coveted by Houston. He’s big – very big – fat, big. He should be playing first base, not the outfield, and with Lance Berkman’s injury history, he needs to be playing the infield, not Lee.

• I have been a true believer that as long as Alex Rodriguez or Peyton Manning is on your team, you’ll never win a championship. Come talk to me in 10 years; you’ll see.

• Why would the Yankees even consider firing Joe Torre? Doesn’t George Steinbrenner know that a baseball manager is one of the most unimportant jobs in sports? Especially in the American League. You want to fire someone, look at Brian Cashman. An aging Randy Johnson, and injury prone Jaret Wright, and an overpaid and unproven Carl Pavano are reason enough to give him the ax. With the resources in New York, you couldn’t have conjured up one ounce of creativity?

• The Detroit Tigers will win the World Series. They have that spark that the White Sox had last year, the Red Sox had in 2004, and the Marlins had in 2003. They’re fired up, zoned in, and showing that “youthful exuberance.”

• Leave Terrell Owens alone. He wants the ball – what wide receiver doesn’t? He argued with his position coach – what wide receiver doesn’t? The difference is ESPN making it into more than it is.

• If the Longhorns have any hopes of playing in the National Championship, Missouri needs to run the table and give Texas another big game to play in the Big 12 Championship. Florida, USC, West Virginia, Michigan, and Ohio State all need to lose, and most of them need to lose twice. A second Notre Dame loss would be nice, as well. Our second straight national title hopes are a very long shot.

• Getting back to the Astros, our rotation will look uncomfortably different next season. While Oswalt will be back, I'm not sure about Pettitte and Clemens, as I expect both of them will retire. With Backe out with Tommy John, we could see Oswalt, Jason Hirsch, Wandy Rodriguez, Chris Sampson, and Matt Albers. I doubt that rotation will win a pennant.

• Many Astros fans want Houston to acquire Texas native Woody Williams since his contract with the Padres is finished. There have to be better options than that?

• Can’t we resign Aubry Huff and trade Morgan Ensberg to San Diego for Chris Young? We can be somewhat creative, right?

We’ll let that be enough for now. It’s been a slow time in sports.

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