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It'll Get Easier... Right?

Today was a good day. Maybe a day that ends well is well.

Tonight Rebecca and I laid together and reflected on our coming move to the Mile High City. There are several areas of consequence when moving 1200 miles across country, but the positives include a new bustling city, job opportunities, being closer to Rebecca's family, Nate nearby, outdoor activities, and a higher quality of life.

There are negatives, however, and these are what people seem to overlook. Not only are we leaving my entire family, but we're leaving the only friends I've ever known, and several new ones that we've recently made. As a matter of fact, 'the people' are the only true negative involved in the move. I'm not overly attached to Beaumont, and while I'm leaving an excellent job, better career opportunities await.

How tough is it going to be away from my family, though? My parents are my inspiration. My grandparents are my conscience.

If there were negatives in having a relationship with someone from another state, it's that one of us will always be away from the ones we love most.

I'm trying to find a bright side -- but I'm not sure there is one.

It's tough, for me and my parents alike. I can't imagine how they must feel.

While it was a good day, Rebecca sleeps and it becomes more difficult for me to be awake. I'm still in Texas, and my fiance lies next to me, but I still feel alone. People criticize others when they move away from home but return after a short time. While I have no doubts that our move to Denver will be long-term, I understand that hollow feeling people feel by being so far from their families.

It's not my first time away from home; I lived 900 miles away while in Orlando, but this feels different. This hurts. Am I more mature? Does family mean more now?

Strength. I need strength. And it's that strength that will combine with determination and keep us in Denver -- I have no doubt about that. It doesn't mean it's supposed to be easy.

Maybe it's not such a good night, after all.

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