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Rollin' With Saget...

I think I have a new hero.

Like most of the free world, I grew up watching Full House, with Danny Tanner acting as a second father. It came as a shock to me (and possibly to you, as well), that Bob Saget's clean-cut character on prime time television, is nothing like his real-life persona.

I was introduced to the "real" Saget in the 1998 film
"Half Baked," in which he cameoed as a recovering drug addict who used to perform sexual favors on men for their product.
I'll let you search for his real line in the movie -- if you haven't seen it, you'll laugh your ass off.

Bob Saget has been reborn. Not only is he the host of the new NBC game show 1 vs. 100, but he's in a new music video from
Jamie Kennedy. While the rap leaves much to be desired, cameos by John Stamos and George Lucas add to one of the funniest three minutes of my life.

Take a look. You'll love it.

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