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Gettin' Kinky In Texas...

Election Day is just over a week away. Want to call it the most important election in our lifetime?

Isn't that what they always say?

I believe I've finally decided who will receive my vote, because I do things a bit differently than everyone else.

Let's preface:

I'm not a straight-ticket voter, although I used to vote straight Republican -- I've since learned. I do, however, consider myself Republican, because in a two-party system, I prefer the far right opposed to the far left. Maybe that's also because I hate hippies.

Face it, we're not going to agree with an elected official on all the issues. I don't care for Governor Perry's plan for the Trans Texas Corridor, Chris Bell's health care solutions need heavy revision (minus the pro-choice issues), Carol Keeton McClellan Rylander Strayhorn is really a Democrat in a Republican's body running as an Independent, and Kinky can't seem to get it together long enough for real voters to take him seriously.

Most Texas newspapers have endorsed Perry, while a few have sided with Bell or Strayhorn. If you read the polls, Kinky appears to be falling drastically. What makes no sense, however, is that Texas residents appear to disapprove of Governor Perry's job performance, but will likely re-elect him come November 7th. With five candidates (including the Libertarian), the winner will have approximately 35% of the vote.

While it's difficult sifting through the smear tactics, personal attacks, and smoke screens, I believe that if Texans want real change in our beloved state, it's going to take someone like Kinky Friedman to do it. In my humble opinion, his inexperience will actually be his strength.

I'm somewhat indifferent to legalized casino gambling in Texas, I like the idea of TexasCare, support gay marriage, and would like to see an increase in funding for stem cell research. I'm not sure how any of this makes me a Republican.

Actually, this is why I'm not a Democrat -- or at least why I'm not voting for Chris Bell.

With Governor Perry in office, we have a record surplus -- nice! But school finance is still shit, healthcare is worse, and he's made hollow progress with the border.

The only reason I'm considering voting for Rick Perry is because Chuck Norris has endorsed the governor. I'd hate to punch Kinky's name on the ballot, then turn around to a drop-kick in the face.

I'm not telling you who to vote for, but please educate yourself. It's hard for me to believe that I'm siding with he hippies, rednecks, and good ol' boys, but with the options presented to me, that's where I stand.

As Kinky says, "may your God of choice bless you." Hit the polls November 7th.

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