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It Just Doesn't Stop...

So John Kerry thinks the uneducated end up in Iraq. You really don't believe that, do you?

This is why my interest in politics has diminished recently. If you listen to political ads or partisan media, every official we stand to elect is either crooked or has a shady past. What's worse is that if any one of us decides to run for public office, someone will dig into our past and find something to use against us.

Don't believe everything you hear, but even if it's true, put it into perspective. Just because an official is unfaithful to his wife doesn't mean he's a terrible congressman. Have the intelligence to separate personal lives from business.

Getting back to John Kerry -- deep down inside, how wrong was he?

To put a blanket statement over the military is irresponsible. Calling everyone who ends up in Iraq uneducated is, in every sense of the word, incorrect.

But what was the core point Senator Kerry was trying to make?

Get your education. Study hard, work hard, and give yourself a chance to succeed in life, because, let's face it, the military is purposely recruiting the uneducated. People who didn't finish high school or aren't going to college are ideal candidates for life in the military. After service, the government covers the tab for your education and healthcare, so it's no question who they're targeting.

On the other hand, we have the most advanced military in the world. There are more Ph.D's strategizing movements than ever before, and there's no question that some of the countries smartest minds are working in the armed services.

Fundamentally, he's correct. A degree gives a person options, while a G.E.D. gives someone hope but little sustenance. While life in the military can be (but not necessarily is) extremely noble, many people join as a way to improve their lifestyle, not necessarily to defend their country. That comes later.

Get educated -- there's no debating that, but get common sense, as well. That way, you won't find yourselves making dumb, blanket comments like Senator Kerry. But at the same time, think outside the media bias and realize that the military is recruiting the uneducated, and that, while irresponsible, he certainly wasn't incorrect.

I can't be a part of the biased media. While I defend the Republicans on many issues, I have to defend the Democrats, as well.


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