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Spreading Holiday Cheer...

I love the family, but sometimes things seem unnecessary. I'm sure many of you reading this will understand.

Why do we spend the holidays with people we see only on the holidays? It seems if we wanted to see them, we would do so more during the year. It'd be different if we were already in Denver and never had the opportunity, but I don't live more than 30 miles from most of my family.

Quite often, I see my parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, and cousins, but there are distant relatives we rarely see. I should visit my great-grandparents more often, but every year we go to their house to be with aunts and uncles that I see twice a year (Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve). Most of my distant relatives have actually stopped going.

I suppose it's for my great-grandmother, whom I love very much and should see her more, as is.

But I do love the holidays, it's just the monotony of it all.


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