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Cold Day...

A few quick hits:
  • Cingular will soon rebrand itself back to AT&T. If you remember about three years ago, AT&T Wireless was purchased by Cingular (owned by SBC & Bell South) and merged into one mobile company. Then AT&T purchased SBC & Bell South, ultimately re-buying Cingular.

  • Apple has finally announced their reinvention of the mobile phone. Mac users have been waiting for quite a while. Phones will only be available through Cingular -- uhm -- AT&T, and cost roughly $500, but won't ship until June 2007. I'm sure it'll be worth every penny.

  • Speaking of Apple, why have I not bought their stock? This company has the 'it' factor, and is tapping into the teen market.

  • I bought Google at $405 and it closed at $505 on Friday. Do yourself a favor and buy one share.

  • Two straight days when the temperature doesn't rise above 5 degrees. People don't go outside. Boring.

  • I knew the Indianapolis Colts defense has been playing better, but I didn't expect this type of performance against Baltimore -- especially not on the road.

  • So my Ravens vs. Saints Super Bowl matchup won't happen, either. Before the season, I predicted Broncos vs. Panthers. Could I have been more wrong?

  • President Ford called Jimmy Carter's presidency a "disaster." Didn't we all know that? I suppose you have to die for your true feelings to show.

  • Denver will host the 2008 Democratic National Convention. I suppose traffic will be rough for a few weeks.

Dinner time!

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