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Here... Finally...

So after four days, a New Year's Eve celebration in Austin, and a long drive in a Penske truck, we finally made it to Denver.

The city is beautiful, snow is on the ground, and our apartment is perfect. While the new place is a bit small, everything fits, and it will be decorated nicely.

My parents took the drive with Rebecca and me, and my brother Matt Giardina followed along on his way to Boulder.

We certainly couldn't have made the move if it wasn't for Dan Montes, Danny Gossett, Bryan Brassard, and Michael Chang. Unloading the house, and trying to stuff everything into the truck was much more difficult than expected, so maybe next time I should get a bigger truck.

Actually, there won't be a 'next time'. If we return to Texas, we're hiring movers.

Matt and my parents helped Rebecca and I get everything in the new apartment, and because we're on the second floor, was a feat in itself.

It's great to know we have such wonderful friends, including our family. We still have a long way to go, but we're making progress, but again, without everyone's help, I can't explain how difficult it would have been. Rebecca and I are so appreciative.

As soon as we get all the computers together, we'll post pictures. We miss everyone already, and can't wait to see friends in the Mile High City.

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