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Uhm, I'm With The Band...

Last Friday night (7/21/06), Beaumont's Ford Park hosted the inaugural DudeBrahBrew Music Festival.  The lineup (in order) featured No Justice, Stoney Larue, the Randy Rogers Band, Kevin Fowler, and Dierks Bentley.

Obviously, Dierks was the star of the show, but Fowler was who I went to see.  If the show was successful (and I believe it was), Mr. Modern Day Drifter will host the show again next year.

Unfortunately, because I have no concept of time, I missed the first two acts, and what's worse is that I really wanted to see Stoney.  Oh well... there's always next time.

As the night worked itself out, Rebecca and I ended up with Matt Giardina, Amy Deaton, Brad Huckabay, and a few of Rebecca's sorority sisters (Alpha Chi Omega). 

Since beer was more expensive than it's supposed to be (and the only shit they'd be serving is southeast Texas redneck piss like Bud Light and Miller Light) I smuggled in a flask of Jack Daniel's.

Getting to the important part of the discussion, the show (that I saw) was great.  Randy Rogers Band was awesome, Kevin Fowler never fails, and Dierks Bentley keeps getting better and better, and if he's not careful, he'll soon be a superstar.

Then came along the fun part. 

Brad has connections within Stoney's camp, and mentioned that if we went downtown, we'd probably get to meet him.  It sounded good, so we decided we'd do that.

At that point, Rebecca went on to make a stupid decision.

Since we'd been in the 98 degree heat for four hours, Rebecca, Amy and I went to our house to freshen up and change.  At that point, my future bride said she was tired, changed her mind, and didn't feel like going out. 

I wasn't going to let this ruin my night, so Miss Amy became my designated date, and off to Crockett Street we went.

Pretty soon, Stoney showed up -- but not alone.  All the musicians were there, as well, and were all in the mood for a party. 

Since we were 'with the band', we got plenty of pictures, drank lots of beer, and I got the picture with Kevin Fowler I wanted -- I just can't show my grandmother.  Odis even had the opportunity to take in some of the action from Austin!

At one point, the DJ played one of Dierk's songs, and my friend Darin even had the balls to tell Mr. Bentley that "I hate this song."  If you know Darin, you shouldn't be surprised.

All in all, it was a great night, and certainly one I'll remember -- mainly for the music, the pictures, and the fact that Dierks, Fowler, and Stoney all signed my white Texas Longhorns hat.  I'm actually not really excited about that.  I love that hat!

We weren't really with the band, but it doesn't meant I won't tell my children that.

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