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Don't Judge Me

I've got a new favorite song.  You're gonna laugh.

The song is called "Alone" by Heart.  It's from 1987.

Okay, maybe it's not my favorite song, but hear me out.

I have one reality show crutch -- "Rock Star: Supernova."  Last season, it was "INXS," this year, it's a band of three -- Tommy Lee (Mötley Crüe), Jason Newsted (Metallica), and Gilby Clarke (Guns 'N Roses) -- looking for a new lead singer.

This week, facing elimination, Jill performed "Alone," and absolutely rocked the house!  It was, by far, the best performance I've seen on the show.  As a matter of fact, I have a hard time believing a woman has a chance to win this competition (including last season), but Wednesday night, she made me reconsider.

The criticism to "Rock Star" is the musicians aren't as talented as, say, "American Idol." 

I disagree.

It appears, though, that "Rock Star" seems to put their less-talented performers (bottom three) on stage more often.  To be fair, I only watch Wednesday night; they may work differently other nights of the week.

Personally, I prefer to hear bands covered, like the Stone Temple Pilots, Live, and Pink Floyd rather than pop-crap I'd hear on "American Idol."

If you get a chance, check it out.  You might be impressed.

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